Saturday, March 27, 2010

KR Hall Production 2010 - Telling Tales, Living Dreams

Yesterday I went for Kent Ridge (KR) Hall's annual production, which as usual, was in the form of a musical. Overall, I felt that this year's production was better that last year's one. Why do I say so? Well, the reason is quite evident as I didn't fell asleep during this year's hall prod. Oooops... Sorry, no disrespect to the ppl last year, but the plot last year was just way too confusing to my (or anyone else's) liking. Anyways, back to the main point Erm...

This year they got singers to act, instead of asking actors to sing. Actually I'm a big fan of musicals, I do enjoy watching musicals, be it in a theater, or in a cinema. I just love it. But, for a musical to be successful, the people who are acting and singing, must actually act and sing well. LOL. But in reality, it's very difficult to find these kind of ppl, especially in NUS, so when you have to decide which to give and which to take, you should always take singers. Coz I believe that the acting part can be trained. And when line-up boast of all powerful singers, nobody really bothers whether they really can act or not, or whether they are able to fully portray the details of their respective characters or not. When even the weakest singer (not really weak weak, but just in comparison among the other singers) sings better than WeiLi, you know that they mean business this time round. Don't play play. FYI, if you don't know who's WeiLi, you can leave me a comment and I'll intro him to you. For those who know him, well, I guess you all should know where he stands. =) Seriously, I think among all the Halls of Residences, only KR is able to put up a musical production. I tried imagining Eusoff having a musical production, instead of our usual dance production, but I just can't find the numbers to make it up.

But I still have some constructive comments to raise regarding last night's performance. I am very dissatisfied of their lyrics in songs. Sometimes, they just try to hard to put in too many words in too little spaces, which results in the person mumbling and we, as the audience really can't make up what the hell they are singing/talking/rapping. Seriously, pls try to space em out nicely la. Coz firstly, the pronounciation of the words are already not really very good, unlike ang mohs, when you can easily tell what they are talking/singing about. But, as non native speaking people like us - asians, it's just abit weird, difficult to hear.

Britney's singing improved compared to her performance last year. Last year, she sang well (which was one of the actors that actually can sing), but just sometimes instead of letting it all out, there's this somewhat imaginary barrier where her projection couldn't cut through, therefore resulting in 'covered' voice. But this year, this problem wasn't there anymore. Well done! Btw, I don't know her personally, but I just happen to recognise her from last year's production.

Another person that deserves special mentioning is Stephanie a.k.a. Miss Mirror a.k.a. Mdm M. She is really the show stopper, and by far the most outstanding performer in the musical. On a side note, she's my dancing partner (yes, i danced in my concert) in Jazz Band. And to me, she's already the ultimate performer - a person who can sing, dance and act equally well. Fan-Tars-Tic! I foresee that she'll be in KR's production for many years to come (not really that many, the most 4 yrs).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Could Write A Book

If they asked me
I could write a book
About the way
You walk and whisper
And look

I could write a preface
On how we met
So the world
Wouldn't never forget

Then the simple secret
Of the plot
Is just to tell them
That I love you a lot

Then the world discovers
As my book ends
How to make two lovers of friends

This was one of the songs that I performed for my Jazz Band Concert. A different version though. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Over, At Last

It's over, at last... Today I went for my last session of physiotherapy in NUH, which means that I do that have to go there anymore every week. Although I still have to go for my final orthopaedic appointment in June. Hopefully by then I am already working (doing my internship), if not then it's jialat already. I fell asleep during my physio session just now. There was this one exercise where I had to lie face down on the treatment bed/table, and lift my arms with 5 lbs of weight. I had to do 3 reps of 10 for 2 different exercises. When I finish, the physiotherapist wasn't back yet and so I decided to just laze on the bed and I accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up it was already half an hour later, and yet the physiotherapist isn't here. I think it doesn't seem quite right so I went out of the room to look for her. She was in her office, and she asked me to go to the gym and do some other exercise and come back to look for after I'm done. After finishing all the exercises that she assigned, she said that I'm right on track to recovery and that she can discharge me already. I thanked her for her services and said goodbye to her. Hopefully, I won't meet her anymore, at least not for physio sessions. Well, I don't mind having lunch or dinner though. LOL, just kidding...

Anyways, here's a sneak peak of Jacky Cheung's latest album - Private Corner. And here's my favourite song of the whole album - Double Trouble. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


已经退隐江湖多年的歌神--张学友发新片了,专辑是《Private Corner》,音乐曲风大部分以爵士为主。如果你有兴趣要下载他的专辑的话,你可浏览这个网站:。歌神果然是歌神,金盆洗口后现在重出江湖,嗓子还是保养得如此的好,可说是报刀未老,只是近黄昏,夕阳无限好!说到爵士音乐,就让小弟先为自己的音乐会做一点点地宣传。

我将于下个星期六,三月十三日,晚上八时正,在新加坡国立大学的University Cultural Centre Hall和新加坡国大爵士乐队一起演出。由于今年是新加坡国大爵士乐队成立的十五周年,所以这个音乐会将会是一个非常大的喜庆。我们还特地叫毕业多年的校友们归队,跟我们一起同台演出,让我们把最好的一面呈现给大家。此外,我们今年的主题是以孔子为主。那到底爵士音乐跟孔子有什么关系呢?看起来好像是两个完全扯不上的东西,是吗?我先卖个关子,你们要亲自来观赏和感受那么别出心裁的演出咯!所以我敬请身在新加坡的同志们可以来捧场。我保证你们肯了以后都会喜欢,不论你是否懂音乐,因为演出实在是太精彩了。入场票只是十三块新币而已,如果有兴趣的就跟我联络吧!谢谢!